It’s the Orchard, Not the Apples

Beyond Bad Apples: Towards a Behavioural and Evidence-Based Approach to Promote Research Ethics and Research Integrity in Europe

It takes the whole community to cultivate good research culture.

BEYOND is a Horizon Europe project that investigates the root causes of research misconduct, develops robust methodologies for impactful training and creates and enhances training materials.

The project joins the ongoing work in Europe towards nourishing a research culture that follows the highest standards of research ethics and research integrity and fosters public trust in science.

The team

The project partners in the BEYOND consortium have diverse skillsets and strong connections to the European research ethics and research integrity community. BEYOND members work in altogether 14 European universities and research organisations. BEYOND is coordinated by the University of Oslo.

BEYOND is present on the Embassy of Good Science, where the project outcomes will be shared for wide use and adaptation. The European Network of Research Integrity Offices (ENRIO) is represented in BEYOND by project partners TENK in Finland and OFIS in France.

The whole team ›

Siim Andres%Project Specialist and Mental Health Advancement Coordinator%University of Tartu% Antoniou%Associate Professor%School of Sciences, UCLan Cyprus% Bendiscioli%Senior Policy Officer%EMBO% de la Cruz Bernabe%Professor%University of Oslo% Canter%Head of Ethical Artificial Intelligence%Omina Technologies% Chapin%Project Manager%French Office for Research Integrity (Ofis) % Chanyisa Khayadi Dash%Research Assistant%University of Oslo% Dilger%Research Analyst%Trilateral Research% Fanelli%Assistant Professor of Research Methodology%Heriot-Watt University and Visiting Fellow, London School of Economics and Political Science.% Le Gall%Senior Researcher%INRAe Bordeaux% Gefenas%Professor and Director%Centre for Health Ethics, Law and History at the Medical Faculty of Vilnius University%ë H. Hammatt%Research Integrity Consultant%University of Hawaii% Hiney%Adjunct Professor%University College Dublin%øren Holm%Professor of Medical Ethics II and Professor of Bioethics %University of Oslo and Manchester University%#Susanne van den Hooff%Assistant Professor%University of Humanistic Studies % Inguaggiato%Assistant Professor%Amsterdam UMC% Iordanou%Professor of Psychology
%University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus (UCLan Cyprus)
% Kaaya%Researcher%University of Tartu% Kaila%Adviser%Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK% Kreegipuu%Professor of Experimental Psychology
%University of Tartu
% Kyllönen%University Lecturer in Research Ethics and Open Science%University of Helsinki% Marleen Lang%Project Assistant%University of Tartu% Lasmane%Researcher%University of Latvia% Jae Lee%Professor%Seoul National University of Education% Lossius Husum%Professor in Mental Health%Oslo Metropolitan University % Löfström%Professor of Education%University of Helsinki % Nchanchou Mbanya%Researcher%University of Oslo% Mežinska%Associate Professor of Bioethics%University of Latvia% Mileiko%Researcher%University of Latvia %án Novoa-Heckel%Associate Researcher and Professor%Anahuac University% Parder%Research Fellow in Ethics%University of Tartu, Centre for Ethics% Pizzolato%Postdoctoral Researcher%EUREC% Prieß-Buchheit%Professor%Kiel University% Rodrigues%Head of Innovation and Research %Trilateral Research% Sairio%Senior Coordinator%Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK%#Kadri Simm%Associate Professor of Practical Philosophy%University of Tartu % Das Sivasubramaniam%Head of Biomedical Forensic Science%University of Derby% Slesinger%Research Manager%Trilateral Research% Tammeleht%Postdoctoral Researcher%University of Helsinki% Tang%Professor%Fudan University% Uusberg%Associate Professor of Affective Psychology%University of Tartu
% Varantola%Rector and Chancellor Emerita%University of Tampere, TENK & ALLEA%#Kalle Videnoja%Coordinator%Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK%#Nathalie Voarino%Analyst%French Office for Research Integrity (OFIS)% Voodla%PhD Student%University of Tartu
% Zameska%Researcher%University of Tartu% Zinner%Head of Research Services and Career Development / Chair of the Board%University of Vienna / PRIDE Network Association for Professionals in Doctoral Education% Åkerman%Research Integrity and Ethics Coordinator%Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services (REIS), Stockholm University%

Project partners include

Logo of University of Oslo
Logo of EUREC
Logo of Finnish National Board on Research Intergrity (TENK)
Logo of Frech Office for Research Integrity (Ofis)
Logo for Oslo Metropolitan University
Logo of Trilateral Research (Ethical AI)
Logo of University of Helsinki
Logo of University of Humanistic Studies
Logo of University of Latvia
Logo of University of Tartu