Extended deadline: Fill out BEYOND project’s public consultation before 31st March [EDIT: new DL!]

Blue text on light background reading "When was the last time you were thinking about research ethics?" followed by a call to answer Beyonds' public consultation, by clicking link button on front page.

This anonymous survey is meant for anyone who has stumbled upon it! It is central to BEYOND project for building a dialogue with the society and stakeholders on research ethics and research integrity. https://latvia.questionpro.com/BEYOND
We are inviting responses from all citizens belonging to the European Economic Area (EU countries and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), as well as Switzerland and United Kingdom: both from individuals that are not involved in scientific research and those that are involved.

If you have not visited our webpage before, why not go and visit beyondbadapples.eu and participate, or go straight to the survey: https://latvia.questionpro.com/BEYOND