The Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan
Sairio, Anni & Videnoja, Kalle
About this Deliverable
This first version of the DEC plan outlines the dissemination, exploitation and communication plan of BEYOND. The DEC plan will be updated as the work towards project deliverables proceeds and the most efficient strategies and activities to promote them have been established. The updated DEC plan is due at the end of 2023 as Deliverable 7.2.
The key factors in determining the communication, dissemination and exploitation activities and channels for BEYOND are the project deliverables and milestones, along with the needs of stakeholder groups, with project resources factored in. The goal of all communication and dissemination is to enhance the exploitability of project results.
Communication activities provide information about the project to stakeholders who are specialists and a wider non-specialist audience throughout the lifespan of the project.
Dissemination activities make project results public, particularly to stakeholders and policymakers but also to citizens, to maximize the impact of the project and widen the scope of exploitation by new stakeholder groups and potential end-users of the project deliverables.
Exploitation activities are focused on the end stage of the project. The purpose of exploitation is the efficient use of project results for knowledge transfer, in policymaking, and by stakeholders.
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Latest deliverables and publications
Report on the results of the BEYOND public consultation
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