Simo Kyllönen
University Lecturer in Research Ethics and Open Science
University of Helsinki
Dr Simo Kyllönen is university lecturer in research ethics and open science at the University of Helsinki (UH). His main responsibility is to teach compulsory RE/RI course to all doctoral students at the UH (approx. 800 annually). Based on this he has wide experience in teaching RE/RI in broad multidisciplinary context – both on-site and online. He has also been member of the medical Ethics Committee of the HUS hospital district and is currently a vice member in the Research Ethics Committee in the Humanities and Social and Behavioural Sciences. He is also member of the Finnish National Board of Research Integrity. Kyllönen has PhD in Social and Moral Philosophy, and he has research, publication, and teaching experience broadly in various areas of ethics – from theory to more applied and practical ethics. He contributes mainly to WP4.